Female Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience

Female Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
The Institute of Neurocommunication and Psychotherapy (Vilnius, Lithuania) invites you to the webinar of Professor Jean Benjamin Stora (Institute of Integrative Psychosomatics, Paris, France):
“Female Sexuality: Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience”.
Professor Jean Benjamin Stora

Professor Jean Benjamin Stora

Professor Stora is the creator of a unique direction in psychotherapy “integrative psychosomatics”, which is at the intersection of psychoanalysis, medicine and neuroscience. The webinar will consider the concept of female sexuality within the framework of integrative psychosomatics. And the possibilities of therapeutic application of this concept. J.B. Store’s concept examines the characteristics and difficulties of human psychosexual development. A revision of S. Freud’s basic psychoanalytic theory of sexuality is reconsideres based on neuroscience. The concepts of orgasm, erogenous zones, etc. are subject to revision. Attention is paid to both psychopathology and healthy sexual functioning.

“The first woman is my mother, with whom I gradually identified from my earliest childhood to adulthood. My conversations with her throughout my life until her death allowed me to gradually understand what a mother was in her relationship with her children and how to be a mother. I borrowed a number of her qualities from her and also her gaze. It seems to me that when I look at my patients I look at them with my mother’s eyes. The second woman is my wife, Professor Judith Stora – Sándor, Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris VIII. She is a great feminist and she slowly led me on the path to understanding the evolution of femininity in our contemporary society. I owe her a lot because she allowed me to access all the fundamental texts in this field. My self-analysis allowed me to access the feminine component of my personality following the analysis of the Oedipal problem which took a number of years. This feminine component allows a man to better understand the problem of femininity”.

Jean Benjamin Stora

“l’Être humain est une unité psychosomatique. Toutes les maladies sont psychosomatiques”

 Webinar moderator and co-presenter Associate Professor Arseny Tarabanov.

The webinar will take place on February 15, 2025 at 10.30 (Paris) 11.30 (Vilnius).

Registration: tarabanov@inncp.com


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