About us

About us

The Institute of Neurocommunications and Psychotherapy is a non-governmental institution of further education in Vilnius, Lithuania (EU). We are a team of professionals in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology and neuroscience, offering additional education in face-to-face (seminars and lectures) and remote (webinars) forms.

Our mission is to combine the latest advances in neuroscience, models of mental health and psychotherapy into a single concept. To introduce aspiring specialists and professionals to the new paradigm of mental health in the world of technology and network communications. To fill the lack of knowledge in the field of neuroscience – interpersonal neurobiology, neuropsychodynamic psychiatry, epigenetics, neuropsychoanalysis, neurophilosophy.

Make available the discoveries of innovative neuroscience for the professional education of workers in helping professions (psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, neurologists, etc.), related professionals (social workers, teachers, educators) and interested parties (parents, spouses, etc.).

The Institute is registered in the register of educational and scientific institutions under the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania (EU) (identification number 88888880813771).

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Institute of Neurocommunications and Psychotherapy

Institute of Neurocommunications and Psychotherapy

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